Plastic injection moulding is a widely used manufacturing process for producing plastic components, known for its efficiency in creating high-quality, durable products. However, in industries requiring advanced performance and competitive pricing, manufacturers often face challenges in maintaining a balance between product quality and production costs.

In this blog post, we explore how Mega helped a washing machine casing manufacturer in Egypt reduce their production costs by 10% while maintaining high-quality standards. Through the use of customized Filler Masterbatch I202H, we optimized the customer’s plastic injection moulding process, leading to significant cost savings without sacrificing product performance.

The Context: High Production Costs in Plastic Injection Moulding

Our customer in Egito was using Resina virgem 100% for the plastic injection moulding of washing machine casings. While the product met the necessary durability and performance standards, market feedback indicated that the product price was too high. This created a challenge for the manufacturer to remain competitive, as the high cost of raw materials made it difficult to offer a competitively priced product in the market.

The Challenge: High MFI Standards in Plastic Injection Moulding

The primary challenge for this manufacturer was the high Melt Flow Index (MFI) requirement of 40-50 for the washing machine casings. The MFI is a key measure in plastic injection moulding that determines how easily the molten plastic flows during the injection process. A higher MFI is required for certain applications that involve intricate designs or thin walls, making it difficult to find a cost-effective filler solution that wouldn’t compromise the product’s quality or performance.

Nearly all filler masterbatch suppliers were unable to provide a product that met the strict standards required for such a high MFI application in plastic injection moulding.

The Solution: Customized Filler Masterbatch I202H

To address these challenges, Mega provided a tailored solution with Filler Masterbatch I202H. This product was specifically designed to meet the customer’s high MFI requirements for plastic injection moulding applications, allowing the manufacturer to reduce reliance on expensive virgin resin while maintaining product integrity.

The solution included:

  • A filler loading ratio de 10%-15%, reducing the amount of virgin resin needed in the production process.
  • Maintaining product quality: The product continued to meet the required standards of durability and performance, even with the addition of Filler Masterbatch.
  • Passing all drop tests, including drops from 10-15 meters, proving that the washing machine casings could withstand significant impact without breaking.

The Results: 10% Reduction in Production Costs

By incorporating Filler Masterbatch I202H into the plastic injection moulding process, the manufacturer in Egypt successfully achieved a 10% reduction in production costs. This cost reduction was accomplished without compromising the quality or durability of the washing machine casings, allowing the manufacturer to stay competitive in the market.

Key Outcomes:

  • 10% cost reduction through the use of Filler Masterbatch I202H.
  • Continued product durability and performance, passing all drop tests from 10-15 meters.
  • Increased competitiveness in the market, offering a high-quality product at a more affordable price.

Cost Comparison: 100% Virgin Resin vs. Filler Masterbatch in Plastic Injection Moulding

O uso de Filler Masterbatch I202H in plastic injection moulding provided a clear cost advantage over using 100% virgin resin. The chart below illustrates the cost comparison between the two production methods, showing the approximate 10% cost reduction achieved by incorporating 10%-15% filler in the process.

This comparison highlights how manufacturers can reduce production costs without sacrificing product quality by using customized Filler Masterbatch solutions.

Why Filler Masterbatch is Ideal for Plastic Injection Moulding

1. Reduzir os custos de produção

By incorporating Masterbatch de enchimento into the plastic injection moulding process, manufacturers can reduce their reliance on expensive virgin resin, lowering overall production costs. As seen in the case of the Egyptian manufacturer, a 10%-15% filler ratio can lead to significant cost savings.

2. Maintain Product Integrity

The high-performance Filler Masterbatch I202H is designed to maintain the necessary durability and strength required for products like washing machine casings, even in applications with high MFI requirements. This ensures that manufacturers don’t have to compromise on quality when seeking cost-effective solutions.

3. Tailored Solutions for High MFI Applications

For manufacturers dealing with complex or high-performance requirements in plastic injection moulding, Mega offers tailored filler solutions that meet the specific needs of high MFI applications, ensuring both efficiency and product quality.

4. How has Megaplast made a difference in creating a competitive advantage?

Graças à parceria estratégica com uma empresa de carbonato de cálcio fábrica Global Minerals, A Megaplast é capaz de oferecer o Filler Masterbatch N202 a custos de produção mais baixos, proporcionando uma vantagem competitiva para os fabricantes de sacos não tecidos. O carbonato de cálcio é a principal matéria-prima usada na produção de enchimento, garantindo qualidade e estabilidade de custo. Isso permite que os clientes não apenas reduzam os custos de produção em 20%, mas também aumentem sua competitividade no mercado global.

Conclusion: Cost-Efficient Solutions for Plastic Injection Moulding

By implementing Filler Masterbatch I202H, Mega helped the Egyptian washing machine casing manufacturer reduce production costs by 10%, while maintaining the high standards required for plastic injection moulding. This success story demonstrates how manufacturers can achieve cost-efficiency without sacrificing quality, even in demanding applications.

If your business is facing challenges with the high costs of plastic injection moulding, Mega offers a range of customized Filler Masterbatch solutions to help you optimize your production process and reduce costs.

Contact Us for Customized Filler Solutions

Interested in learning how Mega can help you reduce costs in plastic injection moulding? Entre em contato conosco hoje to explore tailored filler solutions that meet your manufacturing needs.